Coffee Roasts:

At The Bean Counter, we understand that people have unique tastes and preferences.

Imagine how boring the world would be if bakeries only sold wheat bread or if all shoe stores had only bright yellow crocs.

Some of our customers love the brightness of a lighter roast. Others love the rich, deep notes of a traditional French Roast. Many people like their coffee somewhere in between.

We aren’t here to tell you why you shouldn’t like a certain roast, bean, or way of preparing your coffee. We’re here to provide the roast you like, and to make sure it’s as fresh as possible.

Moral of the story?

Don’t believe everything you read on the internet about coffee. You’ll know a good cup o’ joe when you taste it.

Light Roasts:

  • No oil on beans

  • Usually cinnamon or a little darker in color

  • Cup has a lighter, thin body

  • Slightly higher acidity and caffeine content

  • Herbal and floral notes more prominent

  • A more modern roasting style

Medium Roasts:

  • Very little to no oil present on beans

  • Milk chocolate coloring

  • Balanced acidity and caffeine

  • A relatively mild, balanced cup of joe

  • The most-preferred roast in North America

Dark Roasts:

  • Dark, almost black coloring

  • Ample amounts of oil present on surface

  • Chocolate and molasses undertones more prominent

  • Slightly lower acidity and caffeine content

  • Used traditionally for French Press, Espresso, Cold Brew, and Pour-overs